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šŸ§ Discounts & coupons, how to make yours more effective

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New here? This is Inbox Hacking, a Free Newsletter for fearless email marketers wanting to level up. Email marketing insights, tools, & tactics sent twice per week. Someone forwarded you our Newsletter? Sign up for your Free subscription. Aheadā†’ how to make discounts & coupons more effective in your campaigns. 

Buckle your chin straps, Inbox Hackers. Maybe wear a cup.

Because weā€™re about to do a crash course on how discounts and coupons can affect your sales. Weā€™re talking brain science and stats to show when and if you should give your email subscribers a special deal. Plus, Iā€™ll point to a case study in stupidity that offers reasons to use caution with major discounts.

Two Keys to Email Marketing Discounts & Coupons


The hours I spent scouring the filthy web revealedā€¦ you can only maximize the use of discounts if youā€™re invested in solid list segmentation. Not all your subscribers should get a deal.

Sure, if youā€™re trying to shed hot dogs on the brink of expiration, give 50% off to everyone I guess. Otherwise, be selective about who gets which type of discounts (facts on that upcoming).


You want your coupon code or sale to be seen. So hereā€™s where eyeballs go. 

šŸ‘In order, people look for ā†’ movement ā†’ whatā€™s in focus ā†’ something different ā†’ whatā€™s brighter ā†’ biggest object ā†’ whatā€™s in front. Details here.

šŸ‘Mobile study shows text before a photo (vs. after) to start an email was more effective at grabbing attention. Andā€¦

šŸ‘CTA seen by 77% of readers of a summarized email vs. 53% on longer a message.

šŸ‘Readers skip or ignore content that appears repetitive.

šŸ‘Nielsen Norman study found 67% of readers skipped newsletter intros.

šŸ‘13% click-through boost attributed to the P.S. in one experiment.

Donā€™t forget. Subject lines are seen even in unopened emails. So your best chance to have a discount viewed is in the subject line – *test the sales results.

What works once eyeballs land?

Coupon & Discount Stats & Facts to Utilize

  • Research shows getting a discount makes buyers happy – but more crucially, they feel smart. šŸ’”Smart people will feel confident buying when you email them an upsell.

  • Offers over $100 perform better with dollar figure discounts versus percentage discounts which perform better with offers under $100 (Jonah Berger).

  • Easy. I mean EASY math works best on discounts. Donā€™t give human shoppers credit for smarts because each month 260 people ask Google thisā€¦

  • Yes, 19.99 still feels cheaper than 20.00

  • I left the dollar sign off above on purpose. Since this can make prices seem less painful.

  • In reverse, use a giant $ in on coupons and discount amounts!

BTW. More evidence for segmenting.

ā€œNCH Marketing Services shows that when millennials become parents, they act like Gen X and baby boomers, with 89% of millennial parents using coupons when planning their shopping, compared to 78% of millennials without children.ā€

Now to wrap upā€¦

Cautionary Tales

Two issues with discounts, sales, and coupons. First, donā€™t give away your stuff. That math wonā€™t work and when attempted in bulk, it speeds up the going outta business sale.

Second, your audience may see a discount as sketchy. Moldy hotdog trauma perhaps. A fix for non-believers is to explain why the discount exists. A link with a tiny pop-up can ease their minds. 

Now – remember Groupon? They had early success because they were thrilled to give away other businessesā€™ stuff. Turns out, it put some small businesses under and eventually will do the same for Groupon. 

The company has lost 99.4% of its value since the IPO. They also turned down like $6 billion from the Googsters who wanted to buy the company.

If anyone at Groupon is reading this, Iā€™ll give you $20 for the company right now. 

Want some UI and UX know-how on coupon best practicesā€” go here.

More facts on discounts and coupons here.

Read below for updated inbox stats + todayā€™s hack.

Knowledge Base

šŸ”ŒKnowledge is power but first, best uncle ever (true story).

Up your follow-up email game (5 examples).

šŸ’ÆCase study breaks down targeted opt-in campaignā†’ produced 10x subscribers.

A landing page clinic.

šŸ“‘32 digital marketing terms (bet a few are new to you).

Q&A on BIMI 


šŸš® Landfills contain megatons of flyers, postcards, and sales letters. Most trashed before readers even read the business name on the paper.

Same with marketing emails. No digital weight but still a giant waste.

Protect your email campaigns from being trashed before readers even see your subject line.

You can get up to 7 out of 10 emails opened and read with Inbox Mailers.

Yep, up to 70% open rates. Not only that. Click volume increases too.

Learn how Inbox Mailers is helping other email marketers like LeadMark triple their open rates. Schedule a free live demo today. 


book demo

Self Help 

This is for solopreneurs. 

ā€œDonā€™t let your muse become your mule.ā€

Shield your passion from burnout however you can.

As for those in a company, best just do what the boss says. Take up poetry or archery on your days off or something. 

*Shout-out to Inbox Hackers:

šŸ˜‡Alice at Kiwi Partners (non-profit guidance)

šŸ–¼Alanna at Big Wall Decor

Facts and Stats

  • BIMI case study shows 4% to 6% more engagement as a result (Redsift)
  • Only 20% of email marketers have invested in tools to track Appleā€™s MPP impact & 60% donā€™t plan to (Media Post)
  • A/B testing email subject lines and content can boost ROI by 28% (Litmus)

Bonus: How many email marketing articles start with ā€œthe number of worldwide emails sent dailyā€? Answerā€” every single one! Now, what key fact gets 50% of mailersā€™ agreement? There is no best time of day or day to send. (Snov)

Email Strategy a Hot Mess?

šŸ”„Appleā€™s MPP has muddied email metrics for email marketers.

šŸ”„2023 is seeing new spam filtering troubles. 1 in 6 legitimate emails fail to make it to the inbox.

šŸ”„Budget struggles for B2B & B2C targets. 

šŸ”„As for deliverability? Itā€™s tough to comprehend and is full of variables that have marketers on shaky ground. Inbox placement for B2B could be as low as 68%.

šŸ§ÆA simple solution that puts out these dumpster fires? Inbox Mailers.

Demo today for improved sender score, more clicks, & up to 70% open rates (billions of test sends prove it). 


Marketing Musings

Non-profits have vicious competition.

TikTok. Netflix. Butts stuck to sofas.

But also? Other non-profit groups. They are everywhere!

And only so many donors and volunteers to go around.

Using email marketing can set your group apartā€” use these 7 tips for non-profit campaigns.

Get Hacking

todays hack

Doing what your audience likes isnā€™t enough.

You gotta avoid annoying them too. Since youā€™re inside the bubble of your marketing efforts and have no time to spare anywayā€¦

Find a couple of testers to sniff out anything that annoys them:

  • On your landing page
  • Sign-up forms
  • Surveys
  • Email campaigns

Testers with no filter or hint of kindness work best. Honesty will help remove annoying bits of marketing. 

Goes without sayingā€¦ if youā€™re using a cat in any visuals, switch to a dogšŸ˜….

*Know other fearless email marketers? Please forward Inbox Hacking to them.

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