Fresh email survey + buzzwords & over-sending

email marketing statistics

Inbox Hackers, how ya doing? Hopefully, you’ve had the best morning of your life.

If not, I can only do so much 😎. I can offer you fresh findings on email marketing though. 

A breakdown of brands sending massive amounts of emails. Plus, email marketing statistics on how subscribers feel about how their data is used in email campaigns.

Come along for the breakdown to see where you’re on target and where you could be slipping up. 

3 Key Email Stats

Fresh from Media Post:

  1. Nordstrom sent 640 different emails from May to December 2022
  2. Fashion Nova used buzzwords “last chance” 45 times in 420 emails
  3. 49% of consumers surveyed were annoyed by irrelevant content / offers

Think Nordstrom slammed subscribers with too many emails? 91 per month.

Feels like it. But…

We don’t know their unsubscribe or conversion rates. And can’t blame email campaigns for this gloomy headline from Forbes → Nordstrom’s Weak Christmas Sales.

Now for buzzwords like “last chance.” Only Fashion Nova knows if they overdid it. Email marketing statistics look gross when you see the totality in black and white. 

Yet, how many subscribers only opened 20 percent of those endless last-chance emails? Those shoppers only saw the phrase 18 times. They may have made purchases too.

Especially if the emails had relevant offers and content like #3 above suugests. Nobody sees every email a brand sends.

Probably a good thing when the 29th ‘last chance’ is a lie.🤐


email marketing statistics

These email marketing statistics are good reminders to put metrics over emotions.

Metrics over what survey takers say too. They lie…

Not intentionally. 

They happen to be human beings. And words don’t always align with actions.

Perhaps you’ve noticed.

However, don’t totally ignore what customers say irritates them:

  • 35% don’t like messaging based on information they didn’t share directly with the brand
  • 32% dislike messaging that doesn’t recognize shopping / loyalty history

The first offense is creepy (more to come).

The next one lacks appreciation for the customer. Doesn’t matter if it’s unintentional.

Creeptastic Email Marketing Statistics

More from Media Post:

“67% feel ads based on location are creepy. And 61% feel that retargeting ads from third-party cookie tracking also make them suspicious.  In addition, 63% object to ads related to something they talked about near a smart device, a 3% hike over the prior year.”

How would you feel if that clown Ronald McDonald had your Happy Meal ready before you pulled into the drive-thru? Creeped out – I hope.

Still, it comes down to messaging and on-time wants / needs.

If I’m in the mood for a burger and fries, I don’t care how it got prepared so fast.

Same thing if I’m headed to Boston for a Celtics game. If I see an email promoting a 35%-off jersey, I might bite.

If not, I’m still too focused on the game to worry about ad tracking.

As for the eavesdropping on smart devices. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Perception is reality.

So what? No one’s throwing their smartphone in the dumpster because Siri’s stalking us. Most people wouldn’t put down their phone to save a bus full of nuns!

The Flip Side

email marketing statistics

Onward with the shopper survey.

“79% approve of recommendations based on past purchases. Also, 60% like receiving personalized offers after staying on a brand’s site for 2+ minutes. And 65% feel an email reminder or ad about an abandoned shopping cart is cool.”

  1. Recommendations are king. When’s the last time you watched a YouTube video that wasn’t recommended after your initial search?

70% of watch time on YouTube is spent watching recommended videos (2018).

  1. Hey, two minutes in 2023 equals an hour of shopping in 2005. Attention spans, 👎🏼. So it’s no surprise 60% of people like personalized offers after a long (fraction of a) day shopping online.
  1. Email reminders are not a sin. Sure, some psychos fill their carts for the heck of it. But most normal people are price shopping or get distracted. 

Anyway, shoppers aren’t gonna picket your business if you send an abandoned cart email or they see your ad. People have lives. From what I hear.

More + Signals

75% of consumers say they receive just the right amount of messaging on loyalty programs, or would like more.

Lotta happy campers. 

Point is → the right message matters more than message frequency.

No one’s emailing their list 9 times a day. None of our loyal subscribers, anyway (except Gina in Indiana and we’re getting her some help).

Pro tip: The best way to ensure your subscribers are getting the right message is your welcome email. 

It should give your readers clear expectations. And align with your email marketing plan and overall strategy. 

If the welcome email / welcome series doesn’t, readers will bail on you.

Today is a good day to review that email. Ask yourself if your current campaigns are matching those initial expectations you laid out.

Wrap Up

I’ll shut up and leave you with two more insights from the survey:

73% of shoppers like the frequency of VIP offers or would welcome more

17% of brands want (other) brands to behave responsibly (83% don’t have time to care if other brands eat polar bears 🥱)

Knowledge Base

Knowledge is power, but first – be lazy as a fox.

The most important email non-profits can send a donor? 

Your new guide to email workflows.

Valentine’s Day Marketing ideas you’ll love.💝

Know anything about email headers?

50% – 70% Open Rates. Consistently. Inbox Mailers can do it for you too. Schedule your FREE Demo. 

Self Help 

Help me help you.

Actually, I’m busy on this newsletter.

So. Get familiar.

The more familiar you are with Spamhaus, the more your emails avoid spam folders.

Spamhaus myths are entertaining, yet this one arms you with the truth.

Now. Feel free to spread these myths if you like:

*Shout-out to Inbox Hacking Subscribers → 

🧉 Jensey at Bacardi (rum)

🦜Rajiv at Seechify (text2speech)

Facts and Stats

  • 4–7 email sequences have response rates 3x higher than campaigns with 1–3 emails (Woodpecker)
  • New Survey: email outperformed banner ads & SMS by 108%
  • A study found CTR increased 42% when CTAs in an email decreased from 4 to 1

*Pre Inbox Mailers Quote Circa 2006… “The inbox is like trash duty. Don’t be there when the trash is getting taken out.

~ Joe ‘Hefty’ Bagwell

Marketing Musings

Subject lines should make noise.

You know that – but after you write 100 of them, you feel like you’re overdoing it.

No need. As long as your email content matches the subject line’s promise and enthusiasm, keep making noise.

Imagine these rowdy and legendary athlete quotes if they were watered down. No one would have been inspired. 

  1. “I shook up the world!” ~ Ali
  2. “Victory’s fleeting. Losing’s forever.” ~ Billie Jean King
  3. “You’re blowing it, kid.” ~ Angelo Dundee

Same quotes watered down…

  1. “I felt like I surprised some people.”😴
  2. “You’ll get ‘em next year.” 🙄
  3. “Let’s try something different, what do ya think, kid?”😅

Besides rousing emotion, my top subject line tips:

  • Ask a question (no, ask two)
  • Use parenthesis 

Get Hacking

No frog needed just a few minutes for dissecting.

Do a word count on 10 of your email campaigns.

Which one had better click rates? 

Use a similar word count on an upcoming email. See if you get similar results. 

Alternate hack→ Test shorter subject lines, disregarding your subject line tester for three sends.

(((Reengage faster when your emails land in the “wanted email stack” via Inbox Mailers. Demo to learn more)))

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