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❓Growing your email list with TikTok

Growing your email list with TikTok

This is Inbox Hacking, a Free Newsletter for awesome email marketers wanting to level up. Email marketing insights, tools, & tactics sent twice per week. If someone forwarded you our Newsletter, please sign up for your Free subscription. On tap… adding TikTok to email marketing, current top-3 subject lines, & Today’s Hack.

Never thought I’d come out in favor of TikTok. 

Sure, it’ll erode our brains into extinction. But in the meantime, TikTok is an overlooked platform when it comes to growing an email list. Email marketing and quick-hitter vids seem incompatible but a closer look reveals very little effort is required for a payoff with big upside. So let’s get into it.

Easy Entry into TikTok

Is it a challenge to get people to stop flicking videos to type in their email address? Yep. It’s also effortless to produce tons of TikTok content because no one on there wants or likes highly produced videos.

Growing your email list with TikTok

The less effort, the lower production value, the better. Take a look if it’s been a while. People are in their kitchen, sitting in parked cars, lying in bed, hair a mess – looooow effort. 

Email is Semi-trendy on TikTok

Growing your email list with TikTok

#emailmarketing has over 116 million views. Not billions like some weirdo trends but not bad.

It shows there’s interest in email marketing there. 

Yes, there are a lot of shady actors claiming to make $900,000 per day sending emails🙄. (Who falls for that 💩?) Still, legit people are discussing email strategy and brands are driving viewers to email sign-up forms.

What Could Give Pause & Produce Email Sign-ups?

Understanding the platform will help you figure that out.

TikTok’s stated mission is to “inspire creativity and bring joy” and much of the top content is simple and fun.

Teaching viewers something new and helpful works. The key? Do it in a fun bite-sized way. That’ll attract followers.

Then you gotta get them to stop scrolling and sign up for your emails. Your best shot is in the comments. 77% of TikTok users say they read comments. 

Growing your email list with TikTok

People who pause to comment are engaged. This is your best opportunity to gain subscribers, so engage with them and slowly nudge them to your email sign-up forms.

The right lead magnet is a must too.

The Best TikTok Tease for Email Sign-ups?

A 20-page white paper won’t be a good lead magnet on a dance-happy platform. And save those case studies for LinkedIn.

A long-form video tutorial is a proper lead magnet for TikTok. You have permission to produce a higher-quality video for this (put on a shirt perhaps).

Bonus points if you can connect your lead magnet video to popular trends (ones with staying power).

What not to do with TikTok and email campaigns

🚫Sending Subscribers Down a Rabbit Hole

We’ve talked before about how to link videos inside an email versus problematic embedding of videos. And short videos are a good way to engage subscribers on occasion.

But I see no upside to sending email readers to your TikTok videos. 

They’ll just get pulled in a million distracting directions. If you already have someone on your email list don’t push them out of the inbox to social media of any kind!

If you want to lead readers to video, place it on your website or landing page.

Keys to Growing Your Email List on TikTok

Brands can let their hair down on TikTok. Not only can, but SHOULD. 

⭐64% of users say they can be their true selves on TikTok (SearchEngineJournal)

⭐53% say they trust others to be their real selves 

⭐“Lifting my spirits”— one of the top 3 reasons 31% of people use the app

It’s not all fun and games. TikTokkers are open to being sold on stuff and services.

52% of users say they search for products or shop on the platform

Spend enough time on the platform and you’ll find those looking for more than quick dopamine vid hits. And despite this article highlighting how TikTok users don’t latch on to one brand or person, I’ve seen deep connection and engagement in many videos’ comments. It shocked even a jaded fella like myself.

Bottom line.

You have nothing to lose testing an email sign-up campaign on TikTok. At worst, it may be an eye-opener about how to appeal to young people looking for businesses unafraid of being real.

Top 3 Subject Lines in my Inbox (+why I clicked on them)
  1. ☕️ Welcome to Techpresso (welcome email that arrived instantly post-signup)
  2. Unlocking the Power of B2B Cold Email Outreach: Key Trends & Statistics (triggered, also arrived instantly)
  3. re: your book is ready to ship (marketers avoid ‘re’ now, so it stands out again)

Read on for truthful GPT, ez weird life hacks, psych-marketing tips.

🔥Get open rates of 50% – 70% and…

🔥Increase/Fix your reputation, deliverability, and inboxing rates

🔥Increase/Fix Sender scores and IP Health

🔥Re-engage your Dead/Unengaged list

The question is→ How?

Triggered emails at the moment your subscriber is opening other emails.

Learn more with a free Inbox Mailers demo.


Knowledge Base

🏋️‍♀️Knowledge is power but first, do-gooder dogs

Tool— fuse peer-reviewed articles w/ ChatGPT writing (waitlist)

😨Recent event that may change your mind about double opt-ins

300+ unique uses for ChatGPT (some dumb, some brilliant)

🕔5 takes on Apple’s new improved privacy protections/marketing dystopia

How to generate more donations for your non-profit 

Self Help

3 weird things requiring zero effort that are good for ya…

  1. Sleeping naked (wear socks, freaks)
  2. Egg whites for facial skincare
  3. Talking to yourself (use 2nd person, not 1st ~Jonah Berger)

If you’re really in a pickle or have jacked your life up drastically, 14 more hacks.

*Shout-out to Inbox Hackers:

📣Curtis at MediaLab17 (marketing)

🔊Daniel at BitBrandingCo (scaling e-commerce)

Facts and Stats

  • 69.99% – average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate 2023 (Baymard)

  • Hesitation and ‘umms’ while speaking lower your ability to persuade (book ‘Magic Words’)

  • People donate more when they feel ‘watched’ (Nick Kolenda)

Bonus: Better? Blog Post or Video in 2023?  “The blog post. Nothing beats the old blog post, in my experience. It seems so simple and kind of antiquated at this point when we have TikTok and podcasts, but the reason is because it has a certain durability to it that can last for years.” 

What do Email Readers Have in Common?

Mary Jane is like you and 99% of email readers.

She pops open Gmail and runs face-first into a pile of emails.

A few seconds later a new email pops into MJ’s inbox.

She’s more likely to open that email that just arrived since it’s fresher.

Inbox Mailers gives you the power to pop into the inbox just like this, using triggered emails. MJ will notice your fresh email because she is actively in her inbox.

This strategy is generating open rates of 50% – 70% and improving overall deliverability. 

Plus, with better deliverability, you’ll see a higher sender score, better inbox placement rates, and overall improvement in engagement. If you’re serious about leveling up your email marketing…

Schedule a free 1:1 demo.

Get Hacking

You’re gonna use ChatGPT at some point (though the tool’s site traffic fell by 9.7% in June).

Might as well learn to make it sound more human. You can do this manually by editing and inserting bits of your human experience which AI does not, can not possess.

Also, use prompt examples in this quick how-to video.

*Know other on-the-move email marketers? Please forward Inbox Hacking to them.

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📝Please take survey below. It prevents dandruff, allegedly.