Lightbulb moment → the Edison Mail app is the #1 independent email app in the Apple Store. Also #130 in the productivity category. Their goal is to fight spam, keep inboxes neat, and save the world like every other tech company. 🥱
Should you fear Edison or the other privacy apps available? Yes, cower under your desk if you’re slinging spam around. You’re not, so we’re gonna make sure your audience doesn’t pick you out of a spammer line-up.
First, let’s investigate Edison:
- Nearly 70k ratings (4.5 avg.)
- Features one-click unsubscribes
- Lets readers snooze messages
- Brags of “lightning-fast email”
What else? Their “Subscription Assistant” scores emails. Yes, emails like yours. It’s AI, so don’t expect a human pushover named Sofie to let your email slide in.
Why Privacy Apps are a Bright Idea
Because Edison’s website claims that up to 85% of email is spam. Tough to swallow, like the canned stuff, right? Look, cleaning out an inbox is a chore.
But after you do it, you feel good about it then wonder:
- How you got on some lists
- Why you sold your own email (for 10% off)
- If the emails you send are getting mass deleted too🥴
*Inbox Mailers discovered exactly how and when mass deleting happens via millions of tests.
Look, the average consumer isn’t worried about cookies but gets nervous when Tom Brokaw announces consumer data hacks nightly. So this makes downloading an email privacy app like Edison appealing.

Privacy Concerns Trending
3 scary privacy headlines I just found in 1.3 secs:
- Top Australian Health Insurer Has Data Breach
- Medibank Won’t Pay Ransom For Data Breach
- Bed Bath & Beyond’s Technology Chief Resigns After Possible Data Breach
Reading those headlines won’t stop folks from using passwords spelled “password” but may make them consider privacy apps.
One Click, That’s It
Features like one-click unsubscribe could be a problem. Amazon’s one-click checkout makes decisions fast and frictionless, right? No asking users “are you sure” or “reconsidering?” Boom!!!, your campaign gets banned from an inbox.
Now you know how easy it is for someone to end their email relationship with you. So you will want to make it a harder decision.
- Would a reader one-click cancel you if they looked forward to your messages?
- If they saved real money with your coupon codes?
- Would they end things if they were treated like a human reader?
Connection with your readers can protect you from privacy apps and Relentless Roombas tidying up inboxes. Still, multiple tactics are available to savvy emailers like yourself.
Steps To Protect Your Campaigns
So, you’re friendly and helpful to your readers. Great. They may defend you against AI privacy apps.
However, you have to take a multipronged approach to prevent being auto-deleted and unsubscribes from piling up.
First, be on the side of privacy. Be open about data your company uses. And don’t buy lists that get passed around like slimy Bed, Bath, & Body soap (It’s true).
Second, don’t send emails to people just because they’re on your list. Rid your list of those who are either opposed to all your offers or dirt-napping.😐
Third, using double opt-ins helps ensure people on your list meant to get on it. You may have to withhold your lead magnet until they complete the second step of opting in.
Fourth, in case your emails end up in an email summary or digest, your subject and opening lines need to be tempting, clear, and personalized.
And remember, it’s not fair to leave your email marketing to do all the work…
Privacy App Battlefront(s)
Since inboxes are getting more exclusive for those who use tools like Edison Mail, your email needs help. More tethers between you and your audience.
A physical birthday card is one example (direct mail lingers in households for 17 days on average – RetailWire). Another tactic is SMS campaigns which could entail coupons, holiday notices, event reminders, etc.
With a physical location, you have daily opportunities to engage / re-engage with clients and customers. Locationless? Then partnering up with other physical businesses can tether your audience to you.
Touchpoints are what we’re talking about, folks!
Touchpoints = Good Data
The more customer tethers and touchpoints, the more data you have.
And here are some levels of data gathering summarized from Litmus:
- Zero-party data is data your client Joe gives directly to you.
- 1st-party data is data you gather from Joe’s actions on your website, emails, social media.
- 2nd-party data is from a trusted partner relayed to you about Joe.
- 3rd-party data is one reason Edison exists – it’s from Joe’s overall internet activities. 🕵️♂️
The more zero-party data, the better position you’ll be in to write effective email campaigns. Along with better odds of staying out of privacy app crosshairs.
One More Option Utilizing Newer Tech
Technology is ramping up to assist email marketers. One example is BIMI – Brand Indicators for Message Identification.
This allows brands to slide a verified logo alongside their emails. You’ve probably noticed this from a few companies already.
Is BIMI supported by all email providers? Not yet. Is it a defense for apps like Edison? It’s a tool. Some would call it a weapon, but let’s not fight.
Keeping a good IP and Domain Health Score is part of your tool kit. Being in the inbox at the precise moment your readers are, that’s another tool. Along with non-spammy subject lines.
As for BIMI, it’s worth your effort to set this up to build trust and be recognized inside inboxes. This will give you total control over how your logo is viewed alongside an inbox full of faceless brands’ emails.
The 4-step setup process is listed on the official BIMI website.
Summed Up
Privacy talk will keep snowballing. Be on the right side of that skirmish and you won’t have to worry about it harming your email campaigns.
- Give readers what they want
- Email only those who want you to
- Protect your IP / Domain health
- Scrub your list regularly
- Use double opt-ins and re-engagement efforts
- Set up BIMI and stay informed about fresh tech that sets you apart from spammers
Finally, be aware of other email privacy apps and their features to ensure your email campaigns don’t get disappeared. Here are a few others to learn from:
The Knowledge Base
Knowledge without motivation lacks power so… here you go.
No clue why people buy Jake Paul fights but HubSpot knows why your digital products aren’t selling.
$448 is burning a hole in consumer pockets so use these Pre-Turkey-Day Marketing ideas.
AI can assist you with marketing tasks but act fast before they also go full T-900.🤖
Getting your email hacked feels like Forrest Gump being shot in the buttocks🤕, – here’s how to handle it.
Self Help
Scan this solid read on reducing stress while finding flow.
Or let me save you a 7-min read. Say no.
Say no 27% more often. Not just to reduce your stress.
But so you don’t also drive your favorite humans nuts. They’re allergic.
Also, Yoga Nidra calms stress when naps are a no-no.
Facts & Stats
Nearly 55% of global website traffic is generated from mobile devices, excluding tablets
15.8% of all emails go missing or have been caught by popular spam filters
Enjoy up to a 28% higher return when you use testing in your email program
*Pre Inbox Mailers Quote Circa 1991… “Dog training only requires good timing. The moment your dog sits, say ‘sit.’ Utilize the behavior they’re already doing.” ~ Tammy “Bulldog” McGraw, infamous dog coach
Marketing Musings
Some guy named Seth claims “Habits aren’t needs.”
It’s worth considering. But be warned, he might be trying to save us from drag us off social media.
Then, next thing ya know, he’ll encourage us to write 20 best-sellers and change minds with brilliant blog posts 365 days a year.
People! We simply don’t have time for that. #saycheese&dance
Today’s Hack
Since spammers are being squeezed out of inboxes, you don’t wanna get lumped in and fried with spam. So here you go → two hacks you can do quickly and easily to help avoid that.
- Review your subject lines the past 30-60 days. Do they contain spammy words like “Risk-free, free money, act now!”? If so, adjust before your next send.
- Take 2 mins to read Yahoo! sender best practices or utilize Google’s Postmaster Tool.
*I was notified about Tom Brokaw. Sorry. Was unaware his career ended via cannonball during coverage of the French Revolution.