New here? This is Inbox Hacking, a Free Newsletter for Awesome email marketers wanting to level up. Email marketing insights, tools, & tactics sent twice per week. Someone forwarded you our Newsletter? Sign up for your Free subscription. Today → discover which types of content your exact target audience wants most (based on new B2B report).
Tuesday. My favorite day because it proves we’re winners. We survived the devastation known as Monday.
And this very Tuesday, I’m chewing up and spitting out knowledge from a new report on content. Come find out what B2B folks are eating up, plus what they’re biting on when it comes to content and eventual purchases resulting from ebooks, newsletters, webinars, executive briefs, etc.
3 Key Findings on B2B Content
*Netline’s free 2023 report was based on 5.4 million registrations.
#1 Content consumption rose 18.8% YOY
Despite busy schedules / content avalanches – people are still making time to consume content.
#2 Who downloaded the most content? Information Technology professionals (2nd most was Executives).
Read the full report to get granular on how much content your target is consuming— or avoiding.

#3 Newsletter registrations increased 307.2% YOY. (also, YAY👏🏼)
More on newsletters in a sec.
BTW – The Top-10 most popular sub-topics for downloadable content included “Productivity and Stress Management.”
Note on Newsletters
I’m reminded of the cautionary tale of the influencer with a million+ followers who couldn’t sell 25 t-shirts via social media.
Poor woman probably had to resort to getting a real job.
Had she invested time in a little email marketing, she could have sold anything she wanted.
Just not in the blink of an eye or on the whim of an algorithm.
People cannot get enough content – as this report plainly reveals – so lean into your newsletter. Or begin the one you keep mulling over.
Oh, and what kind of content can you promote in email campaigns that causes…
Transfers of Wealth
These 6 types of content are more likely to produce sales in under 3 months:
#1 Live Webinar (outperforms on-demand)
#2 Best Practices
#3 Executive Brief
#4 How-to Guide
#5 Kit
#6 Software
Why live webinars > recorded?
- 92% of webinar attendees want a Q&A afterward (Wyzowl)
- Live indicates up-to-date information
- Interactive chat rooms
What about time-tested and proven ebooks?
Ebook Cliff Notes from Report
“eBook registrations accounted for 43% of all consumption in 2021. The format’s dominance continued in 2022, accounting for 33.6% of total registrations, though its volume dropped 7.8% YOY.”
Ebooks were the #1 most popular type of registration for content last year. But…
Ebook popularity could be linked to the general term (i.e. a how-to guide might be billed as an ebook).
One issue even with an impressive ebook…
“Ebook consumption provided no strong signals on either side of the buying decision-making line.”
Still, awareness is sometimes the goal and ebooks are effective there.
Now for a finding that seems frivolous on the surface.
Wait Time on Content Consumption
Any clue how long it takes a busy professional to consume your content after they register to get it?
Hint. They don’t lock their door and rake everything off their desk to devour your guide asap.
But in 2022, B2B professionals did consume content faster than in 2021 and 2020.
On average, they downloaded content 28.7 hours after requesting it.
Nope. This number gives you data (not a 4-letter word, folks) to inform you when your automated follow-up emails should be sent.
Hint: Not before your target even downloads the all-new How-to Sell T-shirts for Dummies Guide!
Now, set time aside (about 29 hours from now) to ingest Netline’s full report so you can be sure to lean into the right types of content that align with the right targets and specific goals.
Read on for our Knowledge Base, a key stat on when not to hit send, and today’s hack for higher open rates…
Knowledge Base

⚡Knowledge is power but first, start small, rise up.
Understand ‘intent data’? A scannable breakdown.
💰Options for monetizing your up-and-coming email list.
Nothing to see here but… Marketing an agency during a recession.
😴How to NOT make 1-star B2B ads that compel no sales.
Imagine how many of your emails never get opened.
Likely 8 out of 10— this is the average across all industries.
Pretty demoralizing.
Why not change that with Inbox Mailers?
You can get 50% – 70% open rates consistently.
Plus, Inbox Mailers also re-engages your inactive subscribers.
More good news…
This new tool integrates easily with your current ESP.
You don’t have to change what you’re already doing.
Now, imagine getting 7 out of 10 of your emails opened and read.

Self Help
“Stresses of the current business environment and economy are causing 66% of study participants to experience burnout.” ~Integrate
I’d prescribe not giving a damn at work but side effects include pink slips.
So instead:
*Shout-out to Inbox Hacking Subscribers →
🚤Janice at Boat Lift Warehouse (Boat care)
🍹Jose at Nicelife (Spirits)
Facts and Stats
- 70% of global email volume is sent during the first 10 minutes of each hour (Validity)
- 57% of B2B marketers are optimizing for growth in 2023 by leveraging upselling / cross-selling (Integrate)
- 75% of people said it’s easier to mark emails as spam than to opt out (Validity)
Bonus: Which part of the brain lights up when people view product prices? Not the mathematical part. Pain centers were activated, regardless of low or high prices. (Social Media Examiner)
*EMAIL MARKETING: How to resuscitate “dead” email subscribers and bring them back into the purchase funnel. Inbox Mailers empowers re-engagement. They leverage a unique engagement trigger system that we have seen double, even triple open rates.
Schedule a Free Demo today because you worked hard for those subscribers— and they can be re-engaged.
Marketing Musings
Remember, last week I promised to do some marketing homework for you? I was to watch Nissan’s 4-hour video ad so I could unveil the brilliance behind the ad. Well, I got through 11 minutes and 14 seconds before I was bored stiff.
Sure, there were dinosaur monsters to keep my attention in the video’s background.
But my guess is the 17 18 million ad viewers have no life.
Or, or, left the video on in the background since the music is relaxing.
Only glancing at the ad occasionally. For 4 hours! Wait… maybe the ad is brilliant after all. 😉
Any other marketing homework you want done for you, hit me up.

Get Hacking
Easy hack that lets you play around.
First – do I suggest using dating apps or Twitter?
Not if you value your sanity.
Today’s an exception. Inspired by a dude in Denmark.
Level up your copywriting by testing how good you are at getting a reaction.
Use any dating app to see if you can stand out from the crowd in today’s fast-swipe society.
Or test Twitter to see if you can spark conversations.
Avoid the noise of Twitter tirades and dating disasters.
Just use what you learn to make next month’s subject lines get reactions, aka opens.
*Friendly with another email marketer? Please forward Inbox Hacking to them. Thanks for reading.
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